Killers, Job Interviews, and Drunkenness, its been a fun week!

Greetings everyone, well im soon to start my second week here and things are looking up! Firstly i have a job interview on monday at the bowling alley (dont laugh!). This wouldnt be so bad if it didnt pay $8 an hour and include working with 3 other people, none of whom speak any english thats better than "hello Mr. Farting" (in a dodgy chinese accent). But hopefully ill get the job and start to make some well needed money!! Ive had an online interview for a shop thats pretty much the same as Dixons, that pays $12 an hour so would be much more like it (just half your dollers to get your pounds).
We've had some cracking nights out this week with the best being on Friday! We went to a place called Gastown which is about 30mins walk from my hostel (we havent worked out how to use the buses yet!) and got some food and a few pints. When i say pints, i mean Canadian pints. Theyre about the same as 3/4 of a pint in our country (rubbish!). After that we went off to a bar and sat there from about 9pm til about 2am resulting in much drunkenness. Cockney Andy briefly fell in love with Ellie's Swedish friend Sanja until he later found out she was leaving the country in 2 days time (which was a complete coincidence by the way). Saturday was a bit of a write off :)
The highlight of the week though has to have been The Killers on Thursday night! They were great and a good time was had by all (all, being me and Ellie!) She has some pictures on her Camera so i'll have to steal them and put them up! As im stuck in the hostel for 2 and a half more weeks (which feels like the rest of my life!) i've decided to make the short 4 hour trip down to Seattle! Im going next Saturday morning and coming back on the Sunday night and taking Ellie with me. I can't wait! :)
Thats about all ive got time for today, hope everyone is well back at home. If you get bored say a little hello
Thanks for the lesson think I have got the hang of it now!!
Hope the interview went well
love mam.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
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