Tired of spending all our weekends hung over, me and Gav sprung out of bed (seperately) and embarked on an a North Vancouver adventure (whilst being hungover). We went to the Capilano suspension bridge, widely regarded as one of the most quite good and over priced tourist traps in Vancouver. Luckily, using our boyish charm we managed to get in for students and got our moneys worth.

(The view was said to be even more spectacular than the river wear)

(Gav - Not looking all that steady)
(Some big totem pole things)

(February in Canada - T-Shirt weather? Oddly yes it was 10 degrees)

(Gav took his time to think about which direction his life was heading, and what we'd get for dinner)

(Although we did find the Ewok village, we only found some trout)
We then went home only to bump into Andy and Ian, two of our most favourite Londoners. Stuck for something to do we headed off to the thrift store to stock up on 1980's board games.
(the boys, dreaming of the thrift store)
Following our North Van adventures, the following weekend involved one plan, driving a car. The excuse was that Liz needed driving practice (not because shes a bad driver, because she's taking her Canadian test soon). After toying with the idea of driving to Ikea, we decided Whistler would be far more fun so off we went. Because Gav slept in me and Liz got to have all the fun and do the driving ourselves. When we arrived, we went for an afternoon of tubing, definantly the best winter sport you can do with a broken toe)

(The gang! Pontiac Sunfire, Gav, Ian, New Liz, Ellie, and Myself)

(Tubing - being pushed down a Mountain on a rubber ring)

(The view from the Gondola)

(Beats the dry ski slope at Willington hands down)

(The sun as seen from Whistler)
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