At last! A night out with real Canadians!!
Well after 6 months and 3 days i've finally had a night out with Canadians in Canada, awesome (as they say). The night started in our local Darby's where myself and Bethany (a Canadian) showed up roughly on time. Of course, I took along 8 of my British pals for company and thats how the night went on for the first couple of hours. 11 o clock though saw the arrival of Karina, Johnny, Lindsay, Stephanie, and Ian bringing the Canadian total up to a magnificent 6. Meredith's arrival was the cherry on the cake raising the bar further to seven. Still, there were more Brits than Canuks but we got close, maybe next time...
thanks for coming mate it was an "awesome" week as we say over here.
Simon, at 4:27 PM
2 awesome some might say...
Paul Banks, at 12:15 PM
you're 2 funny King
Bully, at 3:17 PM
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