Another one of those things that you can't mention on your blog
Well, after the break up of "those two". That incident with "you know", and the "I didn't see that one coming!", and the incident with keeny and the chimpansee, theres been another incident that can't be mentioned on anyones blog. I'd like to apologise in advance for the next two weeks of moodyness and drunkenness, im sure everything will settle down again soon :)
Also, Big Mick has been sacked by fans favourite chairman Bob Murray. I don't know whether im supprised or not.
Also, Big Mick has been sacked by fans favourite chairman Bob Murray. I don't know whether im supprised or not.

I really miss that chimpanzee. Togo Marmaduke IV really was the life of the party. You'd be having a really bad day and then Tog (as we called him) would phone up and say "Heeeeey, lets go out" and he'd always make it a great evening.
It was really sad to see him go. What happened Tog, why did you leave us?
Paul Banks, at 10:03 AM
"feels left out of the loop as usual"
what the hells all that about ?
Anonymous, at 11:22 AM
Tog left because of the incident with the banana. Now lets never speak of him again.
Ian, at 11:41 AM
dear son this is my first attempt to communicate with you over the net!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 9:35 AM
i knew it wouldnt be too long before you gave it a go, here's some websites for you...
Simon, at 5:05 PM
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