Another night at the Kingshead?
On Friday we had another night out at what is fast becoming our local, the Kingshead. Located within staggering distance home (or not quite staggering distance), the place really comes alive on the weekend and I decided to suggest a starbucks staff night out there...Of course my gang of English accompanied me so that I wouldnt feel lost around so many Canadians although the way it worked out, we sat in opposite tables staring at each other all night. The turn out was pretty good as I remember and after kicking out time, someone had the idea to go for a swim. Brilliant I thought! I love swimming in freezing cold sea water at 1am (well, ok actually I do). Good fun and sore heads were had by all involved especially myself.
On another note, I've been half heartedly trying to grow a beard in the last 2 weeks but alas, after no compliments whatsoever I decided it had to go. The very next day, it gets it first compliment but by that its too late! Pah! You know who you are
On another note, I've been half heartedly trying to grow a beard in the last 2 weeks but alas, after no compliments whatsoever I decided it had to go. The very next day, it gets it first compliment but by that its too late! Pah! You know who you are
Jumping in the sea at some ungodly hour of the morning? Now that seems familar from somewhere...
June? Try it in January mate!
Ian, at 3:04 PM
You set the trends I follow them Ian (its on account of your age you see). It got you where you are today though...
On a slightly different note, here's my Ian quote of the day:
"Your the Tony Blair to my Gordon Brown Simon"
Simon, at 7:41 PM
It took you 2 weeks to grow THAT beard.
Paul Banks, at 9:01 AM
The beard was like Captain Scarlett in that it never showed up in pictures.
Ian, at 2:24 PM
None of us have a camera with a zoom lens powerful enough to capture it.
Paul Banks, at 2:25 PM
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM
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