Nice day for a BBQ
Well with temperatures reaching a 35 degrees (35 degree's! We're English, thats no good to us!) we decided to have a nice "shady barbeque". Thats a BBQ in the shade rather than another type of shady barbeque (i apologise to whoever I used this joke on last time, the first time it was off the cuff and therefore funnier). Jade wanted to come back and see the gang, and also Ian. After a few weeks in the UK Jade, an Australian who'd spent a year in Vancouver, had somehow managed to get sunburned, quite an acheivement.
After the BBQ we headed down to the beach for a swim, me and Gav were first to dive into the icy cold/luke warm water (it really was, oddly) and after some persuasion Ian (who didnt want to mess up his hair) and Paul (who had contacts in) joined us. Of course we left the girls to soak up the sun and guard our stuff! Me and Paul finished the day by a nice romantic cinema trip to see Pirates of the Caribbean (sp!?) it was good, much better than I thought, still I think seeing it 3 times in a week is a little keen (you know who you are). Enjoy the pictures...
Paul was glowing at the prospect of eating his horrible cheap sausages (that no one has touched after a week in Andy and Ian's fridge)
Ian loves BBQ's you can see it in his eyes
Me, Paul and a Mountie. We almost look like we're dressed for military action, what type of military action tho I couldn't say
Andy and Laura were already waiting for us at the beach
Without Andy around, we took an opportunity to live like Andy for 5 minutes
After months in vancouver, Scotland finally realised Gav had gone missing and sent a boat to take him home, nice knowing you Gav
4 young strapping lads fresh from the sea

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