Introducing Lindsay...
Its about time I introduced a newcomer to the world of simon's blog. The BUNACers know about her already but perhaps some of you other readers don't. Today we went to Stanley Park, unfortunately we forgot about it being a public holiday and everyone else in Vancouver went there too! Luckily despite an early onset of road rage it turned out to be a lot of fun!
In a break from recent outings we decided to actually bring a camera this time. Which resulted in some marvelous pictures of erm, a big rock
In a break from recent outings we decided to actually bring a camera this time. Which resulted in some marvelous pictures of erm, a big rock
Here it is in its full glory
Not a cloud in the sky, actually i dont think ive seen a cloud for a couple weeks
Still a little snow on the mountains
Im a little dark in this one
I asked Lindsay to look "rock like" on this one, did she achieve it? you be the judge
Looking for North Vancouver, its around here somewhere
not much of an introduction to Lidsay Simon,we need more info...
Mam and Dad xxx
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM
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