Vancouver - Why not

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Steveston = Fish and Chips

After many months in Canada I couldn't resist the urge of proper fish and chips any longer (even though I don't even particularly eat fish back home!). So me and Lindsay set off for an exciting adventure to Steveston, a tiny fishing village/touristy place just outside of vancouver.

The first problem was just how to get past the spider in the garage, im not going to mention any more about this because of a later incident with a huge flying killer insect that won't be mentioned ever again will it? When we got there we found a British shop that sold british sweets and stuff, excellent!! A bottle of tizer, and some proper dairy milk were the order of the day, worth the trip in itself!

We went to possibly the most bizarre museums ive ever been to. And when i say been to i mean, go in, look at the gift shop then immediately leave. It was an experience though...

To sum steveston up, great place to visit for the day, probably hell to live in. Enjoy the pictures!
Who's the mystery woman on the street?
Deep down she's just a cannery girl
Ah, the Cannery. Thats "double n"
Still looking for North Vancouver
As some of you back home may not realise, all Canadian's are given this costume at birth and when they hear someone is in need they quickly run to the nearest phone box and change, ready to offer assistance

We waited for ages for this strange lady to leave so we could take a photo, but she never did! (thats the lady in the green i'm talking about)

All I need in this one is a Union Jack
Some passing lady was persuaded to take this, didn't do such a bad job either

No water had been spilled at this point


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