Its been ages since i last updated my blog! Ive moved into my new house and have been working loads so havent had much spare time, all is getting back to normal again now tho :) So what have i been upto...
Well the house is starting to look up (ill put up some pictures when i get to an internet cafe that lets u plug cameras in). Its still pretty scruffy but the main things are sorted. In my room ive got a very very comfortable bed, a tv, and soon my balcony will be neat and tidy
My job at starbucks is pretty fun, they work you pretty hard but time goes quick, and most importantly it means that i have some money coming in so i mightnt be bankrupt by christmas afterall :) (mightnt!) I really want to get a barjob too, for the simple fact itll get me some more money, if i could do that then i could maybe work like crazy for 3 months and take then do some fun stuff and travelling around.
As well as the work theres been a little play too, the lads (and ellie and debs) went to a brewary the other day which was great as the girls dont drink beer so there was more for me! We got chatting to a couple of random canadians and a little tipsy which resulted in me going to bed at 9 o clock! (thats not as bad as it sounds as i had work at 430am!!)
Oh and im getting really into the hockey, its a pretty brutal game but the most similar to football of all the poncy american sports, talking of football all the saturday games (3 of them) are televised starting from 4am which is perfect (if you have a video recorder - think ill have to get to the shops soon the early mornings are killing me!).
Thats all i got time for, ive been texting a few of you but my texts arent reaching home which is more than a little annoying, hopefully ill have that sorted soon :) Ill write a bigger blog in the next couple of days, until then, seeya later everyone