Vancouver - Why not

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Tall people are cleverer than short people!

(A clever man in a nice suite, and a not so clever person in a dressing gown)

Its official...


"A Children of the 90s study by the University of Bristol found low growth hormone levels were linked to low IQ"

"Short stature, linked to poor post-natal growth and nutrition, is also known to be related to poorer performance in intellectual development tests and in educational achievement"

I knew it

Gray Cup!

(not the cheer leaders I got to meet)

Well the Gray Cup job turned out to be alright! I got put in the executive box serving free booze to overweight, overpaid, Canadians and got the best view in the house, excellent! Shame that their "football" is no football though. It went on for almost 4 hours and was apparently one of the best games ever. I thought it was rubbish and would have much rather watched Sunderland Vs. Crewe.
It did have its perks tho, I got to meet Fergie out of the Black Eye'd Peas, and the whole Edmonton cheer leading squad which was nice! They didn't have much crack mind but they were just about to go out in front of 60,000 so I guess they werent in the mood to chat. Away from work i'm currently sleeping this week, i'll need it if i get this Shaugnessy restaurant job, if i dont, i'll need to hibernate for christmas in order to pay the rent :)
Simon x

Thursday, November 24, 2005

FA Cup Final?

The BC Place as seen from Cambie bridge (probably)
Its looking up on the job front! I have an interview on sunday for some off licence, an interview this afternoon at a posh restraurant to be a barman, and on Sunday i'm working at the 60,000 seater indoor arena the BC place. Its the CFL (american football for canadians) final, the gray cup and im making sure that 60,000 drunk canadians get a little more drunk as a bartender! Should be fun watching those Canadians get overexcited about soft rugby players running around...
I'll tell you all how it went next week

Friday, November 18, 2005

Funny old world

I was lying in bed at 8am this morning (as you do) and i got a call from an unknown number. It turned out to be the offer of work for one day in an office...Its not 10am and here I am! My main executive duties include taking notes from one end of the building to another, photocopying things and asking the clients if they would like any coffee. So basically im an office junior, ah well! Its actually pretty cool, the pays better than Starbucks and im on the 16th floor of a building in the centre of town overlooking vancouver waterside and the rocky mountains, so it beats working in a coffee shop every day :) So far in my 2 hours i've spent 20minutes working and 1hour40minutes reading about Roy Keane's shocking departure from Man Utd. If they need me they'll call me so im told, not the most taxing day of my life but certainly not the worst :)


Monday, November 14, 2005

Sorry its been such a while...

Its been ages since i last updated my blog! Ive moved into my new house and have been working loads so havent had much spare time, all is getting back to normal again now tho :) So what have i been upto...

Well the house is starting to look up (ill put up some pictures when i get to an internet cafe that lets u plug cameras in). Its still pretty scruffy but the main things are sorted. In my room ive got a very very comfortable bed, a tv, and soon my balcony will be neat and tidy

My job at starbucks is pretty fun, they work you pretty hard but time goes quick, and most importantly it means that i have some money coming in so i mightnt be bankrupt by christmas afterall :) (mightnt!) I really want to get a barjob too, for the simple fact itll get me some more money, if i could do that then i could maybe work like crazy for 3 months and take then do some fun stuff and travelling around.

As well as the work theres been a little play too, the lads (and ellie and debs) went to a brewary the other day which was great as the girls dont drink beer so there was more for me! We got chatting to a couple of random canadians and a little tipsy which resulted in me going to bed at 9 o clock! (thats not as bad as it sounds as i had work at 430am!!)

Oh and im getting really into the hockey, its a pretty brutal game but the most similar to football of all the poncy american sports, talking of football all the saturday games (3 of them) are televised starting from 4am which is perfect (if you have a video recorder - think ill have to get to the shops soon the early mornings are killing me!).

Thats all i got time for, ive been texting a few of you but my texts arent reaching home which is more than a little annoying, hopefully ill have that sorted soon :) Ill write a bigger blog in the next couple of days, until then, seeya later everyone