Liam and Stephen are here!
We rented a car and went down to Seattle for a couple of days. The trip mostly consisted of the same old tourist things (including a very interesting tour of underground seattle), and the occasional beer and burger.

The gang at the bottom, doesnt look too steep from here...
...Until you get to the top that is Me and Liam filling in the time waiting for the others to show up ;)
Aside from Liam and Stephen coming the most important event this month is of course the world cup. We all went over to token Scotsman Gavins house to watch it and gloat after our magnificent victory. Unfortunately that didnt happen, but it was fun all the same.
Off to the park to make our own funAll of us sitting on a rally car that Gav happened to find in his garage! (really!!)
One last night out was in order at the end of the trip, and to make sure the journey home was a safe one, myself and Kayla decided to borrow some hard hats for the journey.